Life Has a Purpose Series // 05.05.2013

Dear Parents,

We completed week four in our five-week series designed to help students understand God’s purposes for their lives on Sunday.  This week’s lesson, called “Serving in Ministry,” focused on the truth that God’s unique design provides us with the privilege to serve others.  Our hope is that students will have realized they are gifted to serve and will begin serving others today!

Sometime this week, ask some questions to generate discussion with your teenager about serving others in ministry.  Here are some possible questions to ask:

  • Share with your teenager how you believe God has gifted you to serve others. What are some ways that you serve others individually?
  • As a family, how much do we value the importance of serving?  What are some ways that we as a family could serve others in our neighborhood, at KCF and in our community?
  • How does serving others in ministry help us grow in our faith?

We hope to see your child at Katy First Baptist for Remixed tonight from 6:00 P.M. – 7:15 P.M.  Have an incredible week!