Acquire The Fire // Epic Truth Conference

“This year’s theme – EPIC TRUTH – takes students on a journey through the clutter and noise of our culture’s barrage of competing ideologies, theories, explanations, and influences to show them the one true, EPIC TRUTH that eclipses the ocean of fictional ideas about life – Jesus Christ. The inspiration for this year originated from an understanding that in our modern culture, as youth we have more information and consequently more influence available to us at our fingertips than ever before in history. There is a seemingly never-ending list of ideas for a young person to choose to believe in and it is incredibly difficult to know where to turn. In the midst of such constant influx of influence we must strive all the greater to separate the truth from the fiction. This is why we want to introduce to you the EPIC TRUTH of why the singular choice – choosing to believe in Jesus Christ – eclipses all others.”

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