Plot Twist :: Because He is with me, I’ll be okay either way

Plot Twist Week 3: #FOMO— Because He is with me, I’ll be okay either way. How is it that social media can provide us with both the best and worst parts of our day? On one hand it’s fun to check in and see what’s happening with your friends or laugh at a funny comment or goofy video. But on the other hand, we’ve all experienced photos online giving us a case of #FOMO (fear of missing out). Whether we realize it or not, there’s something about social media that gives us the idea that our lives just aren’t measuring up. We think we’re missing something in our lives so much so that we start thinking that if only we had it—a new car, a different body, a more popular group of friends—our lives would improve. But you probably know from experience that this isn’t true. You get something you think will make your life better and, in a plot twist, pretty soon you find yourself wishing for the next thing. Suddenly, you’re so focused on what you think you’re missing that you can’t enjoy your life here and now. As we wrap up our series, we’ll take one more look at Paul, this time in one of the most difficult places in his life. And through his story, we’ll discover the key to being okay in every situation—whether we get what we want or not.

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